


也許是因為自己學工業設計的關係,抑或是他就是個歐洲富有歷史文化的強國,或者聽說那邊的人都很高很帥,從大學時代開始,一直都對德國感到嚮往,想 去德國見識看看,卻總是因為東卡西卡無法付諸行動,到今天為什麼會通過這第一批限額200名,看來似乎是白老鼠的德國打工旅遊簽證,也還是有點感到意外。 慶幸過去幾年來我從愛作夢的人,變成愛實踐的人。2010年十月,經歷了一些變化使我恢復自由之身可以有更多屬於自己的時間,激勵我開始學習德文,因為, 不趁現在,更待何時?  大家都在前進了!   惟當初是以留學為首要目標。就算是個國際學程只要會說英文就好,但能夠了解對方的語言而進一步了解文化更能讓人感到滿足。



Dear Sirs/ Madams,
It’s my honor to introduce my reason of choosing Germany to do my work and travel program. I am an energetic, outgoing person. When I was a student at college, I have hosted 5 travelers from 5 different countries with my family. I’ve learned German for a semester during my senior high school life. I was fascinated about this beautiful and charming country. Germany is well-known of being the birthplace of the very first law, music, and most important to me, the industrial design industry. I love traveling and welling to try something different of life. In 2008 summer, I’ve worked in United States for a summer job as a lifeguard. That open my eyes of view and I wish I can have that kind of experience in Germany. After graduated from university, it was a internship offer that I could work in a Germany company, and also a wonderful chance know more about this country. Besides, I am planning to study my Master’s degree in Germany. To make this dream happen, I’ve studying in Goethe Institute Taiwan since beginner level since 2010. While I’ve been preparing for this, I saw the news of working holiday at Germany. It will be wonderful if I can go experience Germany’s cultures and find out which university I want to study. Therefore, during my journey, I would visit the universities I’m interesting in. And this chance may give me more opportunity to communicate with more local germen to improve my Deutsch speaking ability. Finally but not the least, I will also use this chance to travel some country that I don’t need visa to visit in Europe. Keeping friendship and saving money are one of my goal as well.

Thank you for your time.